Monday, October 15, 2012

Painting Of New Jerusalem - City Of God's Kingdom On Earth (close up view)

New Jerusalem - City Of God's Kingdom On Earth
 This painting of the New Jerusalem City of God's Kingdom on earth is a close-up of the huge city.  The  City is so large that if viewed in its entirety, the gates would not be visible unless they were very large.  See the last post and the painting below to see how the city would look if it were on earth and viewed from space looking down on earth and read on that post more about it.  It is over half the size of America.  Someday, if born again we will live in that city.  The walls of the city are made of clear Jasper gemstoneOut of that city will flow the river of life.  The city is square and has three pearl gates on each side with the names of the twelve tribes of Israel on each one.  The door on the gate is a pearl and the gate will always be open.  This painting shows the gate with the tribe of Judah on it.  Jesus was of the tribe of Judah.  The foundation is made of twelve different gemstones with the names of the 12 apostles of Jesus on each one because they are the foundation of the church (they started the church and spread the gospel).  The first gemstone is amethyst and Peter is listed as the first apostle so his name is on the first bottom gemstone.  There is also an angel at each gate. 

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