Friday, June 28, 2013

Painting Of Iris Flowers Lavendar on Blue

Painting Of Iris Flowers Lavender on Blue

You know it is near the end as we know it when they have made the word "bad" and bad things into something desirable!
The people of the ancient city of Sodom became Sodomites in the worst way and they thought it was cool and normal...they would not repent....they got blown off the earth. 

Who can beat a deal like this?....God said, "I will forgive all your sins and make you new."  Grace suffocates your sins. 

If you feel fear, come right back at it with faith and say...
 "I know God is good and He will take care of me."

Don't let fear of past disappointments and failures stop you and say out loud...
"I'm not going to give up no matter how long it takes to get an answer.  I have the mind of Christ and I will receive His help if I don't give up."

Pray according to the will of heaven (what the Word says) and not according to the appearance and lies of the world (what you see). 

Faith comes by hearing the Word of it and hear it.

What pleases God is faith.
  For Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.

God created everything out of nothing and your faith can too...just believe.

For those who overcome all the trials of life to the end will inherit the kingdom of heaven as kings and priests in God's family.

“No one has ever seen,
   no one has ever heard,
     no one has ever imagined
    what God has prepared for those who love him.”

Painting Of Iris Flowers Two

Painting Of Iris Flowers Two
What a wonderful love story we are all living
The Creator became corruption and died for all
No greater love or example of giving
Only His blood forgives our sinful fall
To set us free from a future of loneliness in hell
In darkness, with demons and burning tares
To the heights of ecstasy, peace and being well
To live eternally with our God who showed He cares
His Word reveals all truth and not just some
It tells of the garden where He prayed  
And He knew what was to come
He could have walked away
No army on earth could stop His death
Or His birth  delay
This is the narrow way
Our good works are at a loss
Only His perfect blood shed on the cross
Could save us from our sin
And the mess we are in.
Hallelujah Praise The Lord!  
                      By Susanna Katherine
"For without the shedding of PEFECT blood, there is no forgiveness
of sin." 
There had to be a perfect man to pay our sin debt and none of us were or are perfect for we are all born in sin because of what our original ancestors (Adam and Eve) did (rebellion)...we are born like them...that is why God had to become man for that time when He was on earth and shed His blood on the cross to save us from hell.  He did it for us.  To be saved all one needs to do is accept that your redemption is from His death on the cross alone and nothing you have done.  We need to humbly be sorry for our sins and repent (change) and accept Him as our Savior and He will not turn anyone away that does this sincerely.   But don't fall away by forgetting and going back into the world...Keep the Word a regular part of your life from that day forward. The Expositor's Study Bible is the very best I have ever opens up a whole new world of understanding for the born again believer.   

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Painting of Secret Trees

Painting of Secret Trees 

Painting of Secret Trees c1