Saturday, April 20, 2013

Painting of Bridge of Life

Bridge of Life
Thankful For...
I don't love darkness.
Light and darkness can't exist together.
There is either darkness or light.
If you choose darkness then you accept it, begin loving it and craving it.
And without the Light, you become one with darkness...a part of darkness...
then you become darkness.
In God there is no darkness.
Jesus is God. Jesus is Light.
Without Jesus and Light, you are eternally damned to live in darkness and separated from God and totally alone forever.  SK

Painting of Flower Tree Reflections

Flower Tree Reflections
Jesus, the visible image of God, created all things, having made peace through the blood of the cross, reconciled all things to Himself. 

Painting of Bridge Glow

Bridge Glow
Proverbs 8:22-26 " The LORD possessed me at the beginning of His creation, before His works of long ago. I was set up before ancient times from the beginning, before the earth began. I was brought forth when there were no watery depths and no springs filled with water. I was brought forth before the mountains and hills were established, before He made the land, the fields, or the first soil on earth. I was there when He established the heavens, when He laid out the horizon on the surface of the ocean, when He placed the skies above, when the fountains of the ocean gushed forth, when He set a limit for the sea so that the waters would not violate His command, when He laid out the foundations of the earth. Then I was by Him, as one brought up with Him. I was His delight every day, always rejoicing before Him. I was rejoicing in His inhabited world, delighting in the human race. And now, [my] sons, listen to me; those who keep my ways are happy. Listen to instruction and be wise; don't ignore it. Anyone who listens to me is happy, watching at my doors every day, waiting by the posts of my doorway. For the one who finds me finds life and obtains favor from the LORD, but the one who sins against me harms himself; all who hate me love death."
This speaks of Jesus Christ, Who is Wisdom, the Word, and Who was always with God the Father.
If we sin against the Bible (The Word of God=Jesus Christ) disobeying or ignoring it's instructions, we have sinned against our own souls.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Painting of Apple Repeat - This Time Choose Life

Painting of Apple Repeat - This Time Choose Life

Trick me once, I am a fool...trick me twice and I am a really stupid fool.

This time I hope we pass up the forbidden apple and obey God for a change and pass up all the pain, suffering, misery, starvation, disasters, thorns, diseases, sickness, animals eating animals, humans eating animals and death...none of which existed in the Garden of Eden that God provided for man.  We made the wrong choice and chose sin and the world of lies, deception, immorality, hatred, wars, sickness, disease, pain and death for ourselves and animals too.  This time I choose God's way and everlasting life out of hell...through Jesus Christ.  I don't make friends with God's enemies like vampires, werewolves, witches and the like that are being made popular now and accepted. I won't give them any time in my life.   Don't even try that apple again with me devil

You are very fortunate and given another chance to become a new creature...a child of God again and not satan...born again into a new life and person and no more a descendent of the fall...given a last warning...don't take the bad fruit from evil and satan.  How do you do this?  Tell your Father God that you choose Jesus and the cross and the blood that He shed for you to wash you of all sins from the fall. There can be no forgiveness without the shedding of perfect blood in God's perfect is the only way to God...through Jesus Christ's perfect, sinless blood on the cross for you. Tell Him you are sorry for all your sins and ask Him to cover them with the blood of Jesus Christ.  When you make this choice...the right will be changed (in Gods' timing) and be able to escape the world and its sin and temptation with God's help knowing the love of God for you and that there is hope now for eternal life with God and not in hell.  You will understand His love letter to you (The King James Bible) more fully now if you ask and that will show you all truths that you need to know as you spend time everyday reading it.  That is the one way...the only way...I hope and pray all who read this find it...for the way is narrow and few find it.