Saturday, July 14, 2012

Painting Of Angels Watch Over You

Painting Of Angels Watch Over You

He will give His angles charge over you to guard and watch over you.  
Luke 4:10
Our enemy walks around like a roaring lion seeking who he may devour.
Do you see it?

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Painting Of Roses And Flowers In A Vase

Painting Of Roses And Flowers In A Vase

 The Lord said to you, "I will never leave you nor forsake you."

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Painting Of Deer In Trees

Painting Of Deer In Trees

As the deer pants for the water brook, so my soul longs for you Oh Lord!
His love is a shelter in the raging storms of life.
When a person comes to Christ, he becomes at least 50% more intelligent.
Good music will drive bad spirits away.  Bad music will bring them in.
We have more proof of Jesus than Plato or Homer in historical writings.
If you don't fully embrace the cross, you can't understand the Bible correctly.
The fallacy is that we are all children of God.  You are not a child of God but of satan until you invite God's Son into your heart and then His Father becomes your Father and then you are His child. 
This life will soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last.  It is selfish and cruel not to share this wonderful Savior with others.  If some don't want to hear, that is their problem.
To those given much, much is required.  If you know the truth about salvation, and don't tell other, their blood is on your hands and there will be no reward for you.  In effect, you are consigning them to hell. 
 Evil people can do good things for deception and satan can come as an angel of light.
If you vote for any pro choice politician, the blood of 1.2 million babies is on your hands.
When we partake of that which is not of God, but of the world, our spiritual senses become dull and sickly.  When we take a stand for that which is correct, our spirits become stronger and He will bless us for it.  
America has been great and everyone wants to come here because of one thing...Christians...they made America great.
The Atonement is offensive to the self righteous who refuses to admit he needs a redeemer.
In the last days to a much greater degree, evil will be thought of as good, and good will be mocked as evil.  We are probably there folks.

Painting Of Red Edged Rose Flower

Painting Of Red Edged Rose Flower

The Word of God is the single most important visible, touchable thing in this world. 
It is not the color of your skin, but what you think is right and wrong.
He washed my eyes with tears that I might see.
The greatest contribution I could make to God and man is to raise a child who lives for Jesus Christ.
He said ask Me for the hard things.  Ask Me to move the mountains. 
What Jesus did on the cross is why God blesses all men and by faith in the cross these blessings are received.
The path from the blessings of capitalism to communism is through progressivism and socialism. 
We have legitimized and licensed murder...shame on all of us.  Our hearts are hardened to God now and we like the Germans of that time, won't even see our Hitler when he arrives.