Saturday, November 5, 2011

Painting Of Trees With Color

Painting Of Trees With Color

We become what we eat...healthy or sick...and that includes what we feed our souls.  We feed our souls  with what we watch, who we listen to, who we hang out with...sooner or later we become like these things.
Refuse to give bad food one moment of tasting.   Susanna Katherine 

Painting Of Tree With Magnolia Flowers

Painting Of Tree With Magnolia Flowers

We could never question God's love for us. The proof is there and recorded in history more than any ancient historical event. He suffered and died to give us a way out of going to hell. We only go there out of our own choice of rejecting this gift of love and grace. He paid for our sins for us. He stood in our place of death and went down to hell.  He rose from the dead so that we could too. No other religious deity or icon besides Jesus in all of the history of mankind has ever died and come back to life.  Jesus came back from death on his one laid hands on Him or resuscitated Him.  He was seen by over 500 after He rose from the dead and ascended to heaven to sit on the right hand of God the Father. That is why He is the only way to God, heaven and salvation. The only thing we have to do is believe this and accept this free gift.  Sadly, many reject it often out if ignorance...He said my people perish for lack of knowledge. Personally, I think many perish because of choosing the world's views by professors brainwashing lies or others they idolize and place over the knowledge of God and His Son. The word Babylon generally speaks of the world system view that we don't need God and if there is one,  we can do it ourselves...just what satan wants us to believe. Satan uses political correctness to silence the truth and bring in the slavery of socialism now called progressivism that quickly evolves into communism...all the same things that take away the freedom God gave to us.