Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Spiritual Warfare Book By Scott Meade

Picture Of Book Cover Of My Spiritual Warfare Painting

A very talented author used my painting of Spiritual Warfare on the cover of his new book called Spiritual Warfare: Fighting Demons. I highly recommend the book because it is biblically correct and Christians need this information to use in their lives to do what Jesus told us to do and what He did when He walked this earth. It is not a long book but is packed full of wisdoms and can be used as a handy reference guide. The author Scott Meade uses scriptures and also personal experiences that are very interesting and he really relates well with the younger generation. You can easily pick up this book for under 8 dollars at Just click on books and do a search for Scott Meade or click the link on the left on this page.  Also, something that is really neat is that you can also read it for under one dollar on a reading device such as a Kindle.  Scott is more interested in getting this important information out than making a lot of money. Kindles are so wonderful to have because you can save money in the long run. Books are  usually at least half the price and some can be purchased for under one dollar like Scott's book. You can order a Kindle on this website too. Just scroll down and find the link below. 

Painting Of Yorkshire Puppy Dogs

Yorkshire Terrier Puppy Dogs

These Little Yorkshire Puppy Dogs are sisters and they are rarely ever apart for very long. One is almost twice as large as the other.  They keep each other warm at night while sleeping and they love to play together.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Painting of Ocean, Mountains and Planet

Post Revelations 1
Painting of Ocean, Mountains and Planet

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Painting of Tiger And Rainbow on Ocean

Tiger, Rainbow, Plam Tree On Ocean
One Place In Heaven No. 1
This ia a fantasy painting on canvas print of a tiger, rainbow, palm tree, bunny and geese near the ocean. 
(For Chuck)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Painting of Stork Bird On Water

Stork Bird On Ocean With Flowers

This Painting or Print of this stork bird with flowers on a rippling water scene can't help but give most people a feeling of happiness, calm, and beauty.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Kindle Reads for Me and Saves My Eyes For Artwork

Doing all this artwork can be hard on the eyes and mine were feeling the strain.  I love to read books because they are the doorway to my imagination and give me a lot of ideas for paintings.  It was almost like I had to choose which to continue...reading or artwork.  But then I heard about the Kindle.  It is like a  computer that you download books on from the Internet.  But the really neat thing is that it will read the book, newspapers, etc. for I found a great things that works like a charm. It has definitely changed my life for the better.
Kindle is Amazon's new wireless reading device also called an oral reading device. You can download books, newspapers, magazines and blogs and read them on the Kindles sharp, high-resolution screen that looks and reads like real paper.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Portrait Painting Of Happy Girl

Woman Portrait
Click the picture above and then click it again to see a closeup of the strokes on the portrait painting.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Original Painting Of Return Of Jesus

Jesus The King Returning to Earth On A White Horse
In The Second Coming Of Jesus

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Painting of Pink and Yellow Rose for Spring

Beauty Like You

Bring on Spring with the colors pink and yellow.  This is a painting of a rose the queen of flowers.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Questions and Answers About Prints and Ordering

Questions and Answers

Some of my newer artwork (those after September 15, 2014) are not at Fine Art America but I can send you a link where you can find it in a print to purchase.  Email me and give me the name of the painting and I will send you the link.  email...


I have received questions from customers and will add them as they come to this page so that others may have their same questions answered. If you do not find the answer to your question here, please feel free to ask any further questions at my
Place in the subject line... Art


Customer's question...

I love this picture and would like to order one. I have a few questions first. Is 19x13 the largest size it comes in? If it is a canvas print does it need to be framed?


I will try to answer all your questions and if you have any more, please feel free to keep asking. . You can get all sizes and much larger sizes of this print now at You can get it on just a rolled canvas or framed.  There are many options of paper choices, print sizes (very large also) and frames to choose from there. Also, there you can click on my painting and see a close up section with the brush marks that you can't see on my blog.


 Fine Art America....

Choose Your Medium
You can choose to have your print produced on any one of our seven premium photo papers or two canvases.   You can also have your print stretched on stretcher bars for a truly unique look.
Choose Frames and Mats
Preview your artwork in any of our 230 frames and 100+ mats.   When you find a combination that enhances your image, simply add it to your cart.    Or, you can always just order a print by itself.
Finalize and Checkout
When you're ready to checkout, Fine Art America processes your credit card using SSL encryption technology, sends you an e-mail confirmation with your order details, and starts working on your order.
Share with Friends & Family
Most orders ship within 3 - 5 business days, and all orders come with a 100% satisfaction guarantee.   Once you're print arrives, it will surely delight your friends and family.   If anyone else wants to purchase the print, we'll give you a link that you can e-mail to them!

Wall Art


Google Susanna Katherine

To order my prints with many paper choices, very large size print choices and smaller, and frame choices, click link below...

Thank you,

Susanna Katherine


Customer's question...

I would like to order a very large print. I went to and the print I wanted does not have the many buy options listed and prices. Is there any way I can order this print from there?


Yes, just tell me what print you want and I will make it possible to see the options and prices on that page for that print and you can easily order from there. Some of the prints do not have the buy option and prices listed on their page and most do but that is easily changed with your request in email. Send me another email to with the name of the print and your request to see the prices, paper and frame choices at

If you have any questions email me at.....

or google Susanna Katherine


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Food Waste Confessions

Along with my paintings, I will be posting a blog with pictures (usually) every week of the food that has gone bad and I have had to throw out.  I find this subject an interesting one to investigate in that the average family supposedly wastes 1/4 of their food and times that by the amount of families in America and it is hugely important to consider.  I have always felt a little naughty every time I have to throw something away, not surprising with the history of my childhood.  I was born into a family of six children from parents of immigrants trying to make a living and while I was a young child, we had no running water, electricity, indoor plumbing, or phone, but we did have large holes in our house that small animals such as raccoons would sneak in at night and climb up our chest of drawers and steal our candy bar packs while we lay in the dark and just listen to the thievery.

We had a group of  about 12 geese that seemed taller than I and they would chase me like they wanted to kill me every time I would go across the yard to the outside bathroom (outhouse). Terrified, and not surprisingly I did not make many trips, especially after dark.  But even though I considered most of these geese evil, there was one that I loved because he was friendly and his name was Herman.  One day Herman was missing.  Coincidentally, we had eaten a dinner of goose that my mother had caught and beheaded and plucked out the feathers and cooked to feed her beloved family.  When someone asked "Where is Herman?" in unison we all caught on to what must have accidentally happened to our favorite pet and of course I cried.  Now it seems natural that I would absolutely abhor wasting anything as I do and I do not understand people and kids who do it without a blink.

So that is why I am going to include a blog spot occasionally on the food that is wasted in my household.  Please feel free to comment on your experiences of waste also.  They say confession is good for the soul and I need some good happening asap.  Maybe it will soothe my soul a little if  I journal the guilt I feel in throwing away food...even though it is not my doing that it decays...but then again I should have made sure we ate it in laugh about it...rather then cry...right?

So what have we wasted last week?  I did not take pictures because I did not know that I was going to write this blog but I will say that I had already been thinking about the waste and had tried my best last week to make sure I did not forget to use something for a meal and I did much better than previous weeks. But I did clean out the freezer and found some frozen raw chicken that looked freezer burned so that had to go.  I did not use all the carnation instant canned milk that I put in our tea and coffee and it was past 3 days so that too was pitched.  I must find out how long canned milk can be kept in the frig after opening.  Why don't they put this on the can?  I have several condiments that need to be thrown out of the frig. but it makes me feel so guilty to waste anything that I put off the discomfort and like the canned milk, I do not know how long these things last in the frig.  I will try to get my husband or daughter to throw them away if I can ever get a few minutes of their time to help me with the dastardly dead.

I admit it, I am a wimp at throwing anything out. After all, think of all the starving children that eat dirt and would have died to have a morsel of that wasted food...and they died without it …warnings from my childhood just to make me eat my food are reminiscent in my head.  Wasting is bad although sometimes unavoidable, like accidents.  (Update - I got no comments or reactions in seven years about this article so I did not bother to continue writing...maybe I had better stick to art although I do not get any comments or reactions now with that I may quit that also.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Monday, February 1, 2010

Original Painting Of Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual Warfare

The war between people and nations has an insidious perpetrator who uses lies and deceptions to cause hatred and strife. Our battles here on earth are representative of the spiritual warfare being waged in the heaven lies and as it is done in heaven, so it is on earth. This fantasy oil painting of “Spiritual Warfare” depicts this. It is a new religious Christian painting painted on canvas.

For "We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of the world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." - Ephesians 6:12

When one finally realizes this, how much easier it is to forgive others. These demonic forces can influence humans lives and can come as accusing voices, whispers in the heart, and even murderous or lustful thoughts coming from no where. Thankfully, most of the angels of God are still with Him and can give the feeling of peace and protection and even show up physically as a heaven-sent helper while one is in crisis.

There have been many corroborating stories throughout history of angels walking and talking in human form and protecting us. One angel can destroy a whole army as they have done for Israel.

On the other hand, the demonic fallen angels can possess, torment, and cause physical illness to humans. They can impose on our thoughts and influence wrong decisions. The devil (Lucifer the fallen angel) can cause disasters, disease, and death with the permission of God.

But there is much hope because Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil and he defeated him on the cross. Once we know this, we can use the Word of God as a sword to defeat every attack by resisting Satan and using the Word against him. Without reading God's Word, one is open to all kinds of lies and deceptions. Christians are especially attacked and must engage in spiritual warfare by coming against it by the power of the Word (the name of Jesus because He is the Word of God) or the Word in Scripture as Jesus did when Satan tried to tempt him. We are given authority over the devil and his demons by Jesus to do what he did in His name to defeat them.

The battleground of the mind is fighting the feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness and helplessness by knowing and repeating scriptures that help us and give us hope and tell us we are the righteousness of God and we were all created in His image and that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us with power to overcome the wicked works of these evil ones.

We are told to continue the works that Jesus did while He was on earth which consisted of spreading the gospel of the good news that we can be saved from hell and have eternal life now because of our sin debt being paid by Jesus death on the cross because God's law requires that there be a payment of blood for a debt of sin. We should also heal the sick as Jesus did. Much of the time when He healed the sick, He cast out demons as they are often the perpetrators of sickness and disease.

Unfortunately, even though Satan has been ultimately defeated and we have been given the marvelous gift of power over him and the chance for eternal life, Satan has not yet been cast into the lake of fire and is still roaming about seeking who he may devour as the scriptures proclaim.

But as present calamities play out and prophesies are just about culminating in fulfillment, it is quite probable that very soon he will be imprisoned in that burning lake, no longer to reek havoc amongst humans for 1000 years and that should give us all hope. We are given the awesome promise that if we overcome all of the this and prevail to the end of our lives still believing in Jesus Christ as our Savior, then we will inherit eternal life with our Lord.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Painting of Harpazo-The Rapture of the Church

Jesus Returning For His Church Bride In The Rapture

This is a painting of the Harpazo which is often called the rapture of the church of Jesus Christ.

For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words. 1 Thessalonians 4:16

Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints. Revelation 19

And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. Revelation 21:1

And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful. And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. He that overcomes shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

This painting was created because of the enormous amount of discussion about it recently. Prophesies and warnings seem to be culminating now for this great event to occur at any moment. No one knows the exact hour or date but we are to look for the signs given and be ready and welcome His coming.

In the painting the lights surrounding the bride's dress are the souls of the ones on earth being caught up in the air to meet the lord and be with him forever like a bride does with her groom. It is symbolic of the love the Lord has for the ones that God has given to him that have accepted his blood payment on the cross for the forgiveness of their sins which is required in order to be able to be included as the bride of Christ.

Three persons called prophets from ancient history are recorded as saying that right before the return of the Lord Jesus, the revived Roman Empire (U. N.) will devide the world into 10 sections (of 27 signed nations participating) and evenutally create the New World Order.  Very recently it has been made public that that plan is being implimented with  NAFTA (U. S., Canada, Mexico), one of the first of the ten.  The U.N. has just elected its first president.  Things are excellerating to the point that we should all be ready and looking up for our redemption draws very near as this painting depicts.

Painting of Cross Of One Way To God

One Way To God
John 14:6

This painting of a cross looks great on a wall but also on a t-shirt

Painting of Apple Repeat-Choose Now

Jesus Salvation With Angles And Demons
This Christian painting shows what I believe is the true meaning of life and spiritual warfare.  We are here to make a choice and learn sort of like we do in a school.  With great love, our Creator gave us free choice to either choose Him or evil.  We cannot be in the presence of the Holy God in eternity unless we are without sin. One law of God is that there is no forgiveness of sin without the shedding of perfect blood.  None of us are perfect enough to redeem ourselves from sin and gain salvation.  There is only one perfect enough.  There is no greater thing that could have happened to you and me than our God that created us loved us so much that He came down and died on the cross and shed His precious blood for us so that we could have the choice to spend eternity with Him. He paid our sin debt for us.  Life can be very difficult but it would be unbearable if we had a God that did not care about us enough to make a way out of our problem. Amazingly, He wants us to be His children throughout eternity.  So that alone can make one able to stand anything life throws at them.  With every mistake, there is lesson learned that improves us, brings us closer to God, and prepares us for a very busy eternity where our experiences here on earth will be of eternal value for our work then.  The world lies, deceives, and tricks us into thinking we are not worth anything and our life means nothing beyond death.  That could not be further from the truth.  Everything we do and fail to do is observed and kept on record.  Even if we accept Jesus Christ's blood to wash away our sins, this record of our life will be used on our judgment day to determine our rewards. Each of our lives matter tremendously to the one who created us called Jesus.
This painting of Jesus Christ and His adversary shows how they are both inviting us to be theirs.  One gives eternal life and the other may give fame and fortune for awhile here on earth if you do his bidding, but in the end, sooner or later he takes your life and after that is eternal separation for God and everlasting hell.